contact info

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Quinte Woodcarvers Association Inc.



 President David Hatton—

Treasurer:   Helen Simoneau

Secretary:  Nancy Arthur

Vice president : Craig Alderson

Show Chair:  Karen Munro –




Ken Naunton — Advertising

Trudy Legacy — Ticket Sales

Serge Moisan — Table rentals

Rob Therrien –Silent Auction

Maura Hoye

Lisa Thompson  

Past President 

Serge Moisan –Membership (613-478-5442)




20 Responses to contact info

  1. Gary Graham says:

    I am a novice carver looking for some classes so that I can expand on my limited self taught skills. At present I do mainly caricature carving but would like to venture into relief carving as well. So if anyone can help in these as well as chip and other carving styles I would appreciate it very much, as I would like to try them all and find the best fit for me. Also are you accepting new members, and what is the fee for registration.


  2. Lyle Sutherland says:

    I have a complete set of tools for woodcarvers for sale. The set includes a Fordum drill, a burning kit, various bits, duck blanks, and even a vacuum for your dust! You can see pictures of it on Kijiji and all I’m asking is $175 for everything! I am downsizing and have no basement to continue this hobby. Let me know if anyone is interested in purchasing this package. Everything is in excellent working order!

  3. admin says:

    we are accepting new members .membership fee is $30 and fee for carving is $10 for the fall/winter(Sept- DEC and $10 for winter spring(Jan-April)our first day back carving is thursday sept 8 at 7 pm we will have people there that can help you expand on your skill set

  4. admin says:

    i will let people know when we start back carving in sept

  5. Pat says:

    What is the cost to get into the carving show

  6. admin says:

    there is no cost to get into the show but we would appreciate it if you buy a ticket for our door prizes wich cost $5 at the door

  7. Dave Ricci says:

    Is the 2018 Green Heron purchase award for a full size bird?

  8. admin says:

    yes it is a full size

  9. Alexander Perch says:

    To the Administration:
    I don’t know what moron printed out the cards for Division #2 Catagory #14 Decorative Woodworking and then put it in the 2019 winners on your web site. I entered three MARQUETRY pieces and 1st place was a MANCALA game box , 2nd place was ” IRISH MICKEY ” a marquetry picture and 3rd place was “WOLVES FC” a marquetry soccer logo . At least you got the 2019 winners photo correct!

  10. admin says:

    i got the order fixed im sorry it took so long to get back to you

  11. Dwayne McMurter says:

    I’ve misplaced the handout that had the dimensions for the caricature purchase award that I believe will still be in the 2021 show.
    If this is correct could you could you please let me know what the dimensions are?
    Does the overall dimensions include the base or just the caricature?

  12. admin says:

    sorry about the late response as of right now we do not know if we will be able to have a show in 2021 .the dimensions are over all maximum 18 inches wide 18 inches long and 18 inches tall

  13. Frank G. Scotti says:

    I am looking for carving suppliers in the Belleville area. Right now, I need small glass eyes and later would need basswood. Can you put me onto a supplier nearby.?

  14. admin says:

    yoy could try old railway station in madoc but he is in the process of shutting down

  15. Eric Roghtmyer says:

    I am hoping to attend your upcoming show in April. I have as yet seen no mention of the venue but I am assuming that it will be at Loyalist College.

  16. Admin Admin says:

    Hi Glad to hear you are planning on coming in april to our show. It is being held at the Quinte Sports and Wellness centre , 265 Cannifton Rd, Belleville, Ontario. We have not been at loyalist college for a number of years now.

  17. Jan Fitch says:

    One of my former students has a number of bird carving books and a few carving items
    for sale are very reasonable prices ie Floyd Scholz Owls, Birds of Canada just to name a few. They would make great Xmas gifts and I wondered if any of your members would be interested.
    If so, they can contact me through my web site at,
    email: or call 613 484 1260

  18. Admin Admin says:

    Hi Jan
    My name is Lisa Thompson and I am the vice president of the Quinte Woodcarvers Association. I am sorry I did not see this when it first came thru. Not sure what happened. If your Student still has these books and wants to sell them. Send me a list with prices and I will forward to the whole club and anyone interested can contact you directly.
    Sorry that it has been so long in responding.

  19. Wayne Howard says:

    I would like to join your carving association
    Do you have a meeting March 28

  20. Admin Admin says:

    Our next meeting is Monday April 22, 1pm to 4 pm at Holy Trinity Lutherian Church

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