


Carving Show Entry Form  

quinte-wood-carvers-Entry-Form-single (1)

Rules and regulations (Show Brochure)

Show Brochure 2025

Membership form

Quinte Wood Carvers Association Membership Application


8 Responses to forms

  1. Roland M. Reavie says:

    Need entry forms ….not available when clicked on quinte wood carvers Entry Form.
    Please correct so that I may download the entry forms to be sent for Registration,

  2. Lindsay Weston says:

    I have tried in numerous locations on this page to get an entry form. I really would like to be able to compete in your competition. please direct me.

  3. admin says:

    I have fixed the problem you should be able to download the form now

  4. admin says:

    I have fixed the problem you should be able to download the form now

  5. Rob Cochrane says:

    Just checking in to see if there is to be a 2022 show in April, or not.
    Our carving group, Northumberland Carvers, has not started meeting and may not until the fall so I haven’t heard from anyone about any possible shows for this year.
    Hope you do but understand if you don’t.
    If someone could email me that would be appreciated.

  6. Admin Admin says:

    Hi Rob We have now updated our web page. We have included the info for the show in 2023

  7. Terry Menagh says:

    The forms for entry do not appear to be available on the site. Could you please send me the form for the April show via email.. Thank you

  8. Terry Menagh says:

    The forms for entry do not appear to be available on the site. Could you please send me the form for the April show via email. Thank you

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